
Verlag - Indiana University Press

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Zeige 1 bis 75 von 98 (2 Seiten)

Hearing, Sound, and the Auditory in Ancient Greece
Comprehensive English-Yiddish Dictionary: Revised and Expanded

38,00€ 40,00€
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Comprehensive Yiddish-English Dictionary
36,29€ 38,20€
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Paths in Heidegger's Later Thought

39,76€ 41,85€
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Chorology: On Beginning in Plato's Timaeus (2019)
23,52€ 24,76€
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Heidegger and the Problem of Consciousness
39,90€ 42,00€
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Return from the Archipelago: Narratives of Gulag Survivors

53,11€ 55,90€
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The World of Music According to Starker

43,70€ 46,00€
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Bach's Cello Suites: Analyses and Explorations: Volumes 1 & 2

48,45€ 51,00€
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Plato on the limits of human life
26,75€ 28,15€
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Heidegger and language
26,22€ 27,60€
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Doing physics: how physicists take hold of the world
21,47€ 22,60€
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Plato's Laws: force and truth in politics
23,60€ 24,85€
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Early Twentieth-Century continental philosophy
25,51€ 26,85€
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A Century of Irish Drama: Widening the Stage

58,76€ 61,85€
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Neo-Kantianism in contemporary philosophy

27,93€ 29,40€
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Emerson and Thoreau: figures of friendship

22,94€ 24,15€
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100 Years of Pragmatism: William James's revolutionary philosophy

24,94€ 26,25€
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Third World Women and the Politics of Feminism

24,23€ 25,50€
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Plato and the question of beauty
20,28€ 21,35€
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Philosophy and comedy: Aristophanes, Logos, and Eros
22,65€ 23,85€
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Death and the Invisible Powers: World of Kongo Belief
19,38€ 20,40€
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Finding Persephone: women's rituals in the ancient Mediterranean

20,18€ 21,25€
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Pious Nietzsche: decadence and dyonisian faith
20,18€ 21,25€
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The art of dialogue in jewish philosophy
20,18€ 21,25€
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Contemporary Russian Poetry. A bilingual anthology
27,24€ 28,67€
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Heidegger and the greeks: interpretative essays

29,63€ 31,19€
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The Musical Topic : Hunt, Military and Pastoral

76,13€ 80,13€
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The Practice of Love : Lesbian Sexuality and Perverse Desire

63,66€ 67,01€
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Volatile bodies: Toward a Corporeal Feminism
20,42€ 21,50€
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Colonialism and Nationalism in Asian Cinema
64,09€ 67,46€
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Modernity and the problem of evil

28,78€ 30,30€
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Companion to african literature

60,43€ 63,61€
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Reading Hegel's Phenomenology
35,53€ 37,40€
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Schelling now: contemporary readers

40,36€ 42,48€
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The age of battles

37,38€ 39,34€
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Rabelais and his work

26,84€ 28,26€
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Who knows? A study of religious consciousness
23,56€ 24,80€
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The new Kierkegaard

37,25€ 39,21€
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Readings in the history of music performance

46,07€ 48,50€
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11,74€ 12,36€
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Thinking with Heidegger: displacements
28,03€ 29,50€
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The new Husserl: a critical reader
42,91€ 45,17€
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Thinking through french philosophy: the being of question
Religious experience and the end of metaphysics

35,57€ 37,44€
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Broken hegemonies
70,26€ 73,95€
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The ancient fable: an introduction
21,18€ 22,30€
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