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Living on the edge

Living on the edge
45,17€ -5% dto.
Ahorra 2,26€
  • Editorial CALIFORNIA
  • ISBN13 9780520241343
  • ISBN10 0520241347
  • Tipo Libro

Living on the edge

-5% dto.    45,17€
Ahorra 2,26€
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Detalles del libro

In these essays an internationally renowned master of the historian's craft provides an overview of Italian history from the Black Death to the rise of the Medici in 1434 and beyond, into the early modern period. Gene Brucker explores those pivotal years in Florence and ranges over northern Italy with forays into the histories of Genoa, Milan, and Venice.
  • Editorial CALIFORNIA
  • ISBN13 9780520241343
  • ISBN10 0520241347
  • Tipo Libro