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9,50€ -5% dto.
Ahorra 0,47€
  • Editorial HODDER
  • ISBN13 9780340834602
  • ISBN10 0340834609
  • Tipo Libro


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Detalles del libro

'Spookier than mere pastiche, meatier than pure pulp, Nocturnes hits exactly the right note in reinventing the golden age of ghost stories.' Take his hand and follow him into the darkness...John Connolly, bestselling author of five brilliantly scary mystery novels, now turns his pen to the short story to give us a dozen chilling tales of the supernatural. In this macabre collection, echoing masters of the genre from M R James to Stephen King, Connolly delves into our darkest fears - lost lovers, missing children, subterranean creatures and predatory demons. Framing the collection are two substantial novellas - The Cancer Cowboy Rides charts the fatal progress of a modern-day grim reaper, while The Reflecting Eye is a haunted house tale with a twist and marks the return of private detective Charlie Parker, the troubled hero of Connolly's crime novels. NOCTURNES is a masterly volume to be read with the lights on - menace has never been so seductive...
  • Editorial HODDER
  • ISBN13 9780340834602
  • ISBN10 0340834609
  • Tipo Libro

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