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The Reception of Virginia Woolf in Europe

The Reception of Virginia Woolf in Europe
255,20€ -5% dto.
Ahorra 12,76€
  • Editorial BLOOMSBURY
  • ISBN13 9780826455888
  • ISBN10 0826455883
  • Tipo Libro

The Reception of Virginia Woolf in Europe

-5% dto.    255,20€
Ahorra 12,76€
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Detalles del libro

The intellectual scope and cultural impact of British writers cannot be assessed without reference to their European "fortunes". These essays, prepared by an international team of scholars, critics and translators, record the ways in which Virginia Woolf has been translated, evaluated and emulated in different national and linguistic areas of Europe. Diverse as her reception has been, as analyst of consciousness, as a decadent (censored and banned), as stylistic innovator of Modernism, as crusading feminist and socialist, and as a model for other writers, she has emerged as one of the foremost writers and principal icons of the century
  • Editorial BLOOMSBURY
  • ISBN13 9780826455888
  • ISBN10 0826455883
  • Tipo Libro

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