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Indian's silent revolution:the rise of the lower caste in north India

Indian's silent revolution:the rise of the lower caste in north India
37,53€ -5% dto.
Ahorra 1,88€
  • Editorial HURST
  • ISBN13 9781850656708
  • ISBN10 1850656703
  • Tipo Libro

Indian's silent revolution:the rise of the lower caste in north India

-5% dto.    37,53€
Ahorra 1,88€
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Detalles del libro

Because modern institutions were superimposed on a strong tradition of class and caste inequality, India has been a classic case of political democracy without social democracy, says Jaffrelot (Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches International, Paris). He reveals how the lower castes in the northern p
  • Editorial HURST
  • ISBN13 9781850656708
  • ISBN10 1850656703
  • Tipo Libro

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