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New Tecnologies and Language Learning:Cases in the Less Commonly Taught Languages

New Tecnologies and Language Learning:Cases in the Less Commonly Taught Languages
39,54€ -5% dto.
Ahorra 1,98€
  • Editorial U. HAWAI
  • ISBN13 9780824826345
  • ISBN10 0824826345
  • Tipo Libro

New Tecnologies and Language Learning:Cases in the Less Commonly Taught Languages

-5% dto.    39,54€
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Detalles del libro

In recent years, the National Security Education Program (NSEP) has supported an increasing number of programs for teaching languages using different technological media. This compilation of case study initiatives (funded through the NSEP Institutional Grants Program) presents a range of technology-based options for language programming that will help universities make more informed decisions about teaching less commonly taught languages. The eight chapters describe how different types of technologies are used to support language programs (i.e., Web, ITV, and audio- or video-based materials), discuss identifiable trends in e-language learning, and explore how technology addresses issues of equity, diversity, and opportunity. This book offers many lessons learned and decisions made as technology changes and learning needs become more complex.
  • Editorial U. HAWAI
  • ISBN13 9780824826345
  • ISBN10 0824826345
  • Tipo Libro