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Modelling with technology

Modelling with technology
42,59€ -5% dto.
Ahorra 2,13€
  • Editorial PRENTICE
  • ISBN13 9780131703452
  • ISBN10 0131703455
  • Tipo Libro

Modelling with technology

-5% dto.    42,59€
Ahorra 2,13€
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Detalles del libro

This book provides a thorough explanation of MindtoolsM197>alternative ways of using computer applications to engage learners in constructive, higher-order thinking about specific areas of study. It presents a rationale for using these tools, discusses individual Mindtools and their use, and suggests effective ways to teach with each Mindtool. Weaves a critical thinking framework throughout the text. Expands coverage of systems modeling tools with new sections on analysis and reasoning. Adds an entirely new section of the book, which includes chapters on intentional information searching via Internet and visualization tools. For educators and school administrators.
  • Editorial PRENTICE
  • ISBN13 9780131703452
  • ISBN10 0131703455
  • Tipo Libro