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Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Clinical Social Work Practice

Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Clinical Social Work Practice
93,30€ -5% dto.
Ahorra 4,66€
  • Editorial SPRINGER N.Y.
  • ISBN13 9780826102157
  • ISBN10 0826102158
  • Tipo Libro

Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Clinical Social Work Practice

-5% dto.    93,30€
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Detalles del libro

Edited by a leading social work authority and a master CBT clinician, this first-of-its-kind handbook provides the foundations and training that social workers need to master cognitive behavior therapy. From traditional techniques to new techniques such as mindfulness meditation and the use of DBT, the contributors ensure a thorough and up-to-date presentation of CBT. Covered are the most common disorders encountered when working with adults, children, families, and couples including: Anxiety disorders Depression Personality disorder Sexual and physical abuse Substance misuse Grief and bereavement Eating disorders Written by social workers for social workers, this new focus on the foundations and applications of cognitive behavior therapy will help individuals, families, and groups lead happier, fulfilled, and more productive lives.

  • Editorial SPRINGER N.Y.
  • ISBN13 9780826102157
  • ISBN10 0826102158
  • Tipo Libro