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Treatment of Complex Trauma: A Sequenced, Relationship-Based Approach

Treatment of Complex Trauma: A Sequenced, Relationship-Based Approach
49,85€ -5% dto.
Ahorra 2,49€
  • Editorial GUILFORD
  • ISBN13 9781462506583
  • ISBN10 1462506585
  • Tipo Libro

Treatment of Complex Trauma: A Sequenced, Relationship-Based Approach

-5% dto.    49,85€
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Detalles del libro

“Courtois and Ford have demonstrated that they are masters of their subject and are masterful in communicating about the treatment of a very difficult patient population and have contributed a masterpiece in their book….This book is not only essential reading for therapists who want to take on the challenge of treating patients with complex trauma but also an excellent source for any professional who engages in psychotherapy. The reader comes away with not only important tools in establishing a meaningful relationship with patients but also a sense of the gratification that results from treating patients and being a partner in their growth and development.”--Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease

  • Editorial GUILFORD
  • ISBN13 9781462506583
  • ISBN10 1462506585
  • Tipo Libro