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Handbook of Personality Disorders: Theory, Research and Treatment (impresión bajo demanda)

Handbook of Personality Disorders: Theory, Research and Treatment  (impresión bajo demanda)
107,74€ -5% dto.
Ahorra 5,39€
  • Editorial GUILFORD
  • ISBN13 9781572306295
  • ISBN10 1572306297
  • Tipo Libro

Handbook of Personality Disorders: Theory, Research and Treatment (impresión bajo demanda)

-5% dto.    107,74€
Ahorra 5,39€
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Detalles del libro

'Most books about personality disorders are like side dishes at a banquet. They deal with one aspect of the subject: assessment and measurement, forensic implications, psychological and psychodynamic aspects, or medico-legal complications. Even those books that have attempted a broader view have tended to concentrate on one or more of these elements at the expense of others. Handbook of Personality Disorders is different--it is a genuine main course, striking a balance between theory and practice, speculation and fact, biology and psychology, and cause and effect. Livesley has chosen his collaborators well, and together they cover all that the world yet knows about a subject that is still in its infancy but growing fast.' - Peter Tyrer, MD, Imperial College School of Medicine, London, UK

'This is a landmark volume. There is no other single publication that provides a comparable scope and breadth of information on the definition, course, and treatment of the personality disorders.' - John F. Clarkin, PhD, New York Presbyterian Hospital, Cornell Medical Center, USA

  • Editorial GUILFORD
  • ISBN13 9781572306295
  • ISBN10 1572306297
  • Tipo Libro