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The Dead Student

Autor John Katzenbach

The Dead Student
-5% dto.    12,25€
Ahorra 0,61€
  • ISBN13 9781784972332
  • ISBN10 1784972339
  • Tipo Libro
  • Páginas 432
  • Año de Edición 2016
  • Idioma Inglés
  • Encuadernación Paperback

The Dead Student

Autor John Katzenbach

-5% dto.    12,25€
Ahorra 0,61€
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Detalles del libro

'Timothy 'Moth' Turner is a postgrad student and recovering alcoholic. Estranged from his family, Moth's only lifeline is his uncle Ed, a recovered alcoholic and Moth's AA sponsor.

When Ed doesn't turn up for a meeting, Moth gets worried. And he has every right to be. Ed is found shot dead in his apartment in an apparent suicide.

Moth can't believe his uncle would take his own life. And soon, after a little bit of digging, Ed is on the trail of a psychopathic killer known only as Student #5. But why would he want to kill Ed? And who is next on his list...

  • ISBN13 9781784972332
  • ISBN10 1784972339
  • Tipo Libro
  • Páginas 432
  • Año de Edición 2016
  • Idioma Inglés
  • Encuadernación Paperback

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