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After Eden (After Eden 1)

Autor Helen Douglas


After Eden (After Eden 1)
-5% dto.    8,95€
Ahorra 0,45€
  • ISBN13 9781408828694
  • ISBN10 1408828693
  • Tipo Libro
  • Páginas 288
  • Colección After Eden 1
  • Año de Edición 2013

After Eden (After Eden 1)

Autor Helen Douglas


-5% dto.    8,95€
Ahorra 0,45€
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Detalles del libro

When mysterious new boy Ryan Westland shows up at her school Eden Anfield is intrigued. On the face of it, he's a typical American teenager. So how come he doesn't recognise pizza and hasn't heard of Hitler? What puzzles Eden most, however, is the interest he's taking in her.

As Eden falls in love with Ryan, she stumbles across a book in Ryan's bedroom - a biography of her best friend - written fifty years in the future. Unravelling Ryan's secret, she discovers he has one unbelievably important purpose ... and she might just have destroyed his only chance of success.

Helen Douglas graduated from the LSE with a degree in economic history. After a stint as a subeditor in London, she moved to California, where she worked as a theatre director, then as an English teacher. A keen stargazer, it was a telescope that she received as a birthday gift that helped inspire AFTER EDEN. She now lives in Cornwall with her husband and children.

  • ISBN13 9781408828694
  • ISBN10 1408828693
  • Tipo Libro
  • Páginas 288
  • Colección After Eden 1
  • Año de Edición 2013