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The Crab with the Golden Claws

The Crab with the Golden Claws
10,35€ -5% dto.
Ahorra 0,52€
  • ISBN13 9787500794882
  • ISBN10 7500794886
  • Tipo Libro
  • Páginas 62
  • Año de Edición 2009

The Crab with the Golden Claws

-5% dto.    10,35€
Ahorra 0,52€
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Detalles del libro

The world?s most famous travelling reporter must handle the heat of the Sahara . . . and the company of a new friend. Faced with a drowned sailor, counterfeit coins and a ship full of opium, Tintin sets out on another adventure. Aboard the Karaboudjan Tintin is introduced to Captain Haddock for the first time, and they are soon both facing a deathly thirst in the Sahara desert.

  • ISBN13 9787500794882
  • ISBN10 7500794886
  • Tipo Libro
  • Páginas 62
  • Año de Edición 2009

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