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Manchester: Looking for the Light through the Pouring Rain

Manchester: Looking for the Light through the Pouring Rain
30,90€ -5% dto.
Ahorra 1,54€
  • Editorial FABER & FABER
  • ISBN13 9780571283385
  • ISBN10 0571283381
  • Tipo Libro
  • Páginas 400
  • Año de Edición 2012

Manchester: Looking for the Light through the Pouring Rain

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Detalles del libro

'Kevin's photographs have shaped the way fans perceive their idols. These images capture moments long forgotten. This iconic book ensures they will live forever.' -- Noel Gallagher

'Kevin Cummins was a constant, capturing a kind of beauty that seemed elegiac.' -- Ian Rankin

'Cummins has raised the status of his work to the level of art.' -- John Peel

'One of Britain s greatest photographers. -- Independent

'An intimate glimpse of incipient genius; that precise fabulous moment when subject, shooter and zeitgeist combine to create a truly iconic image.' --Esquire

'One of the top rock photographers in the world.' -- Manchester Evening News

'I had to suffer for Kevin's art and I hope he realises that.' -- Mani, The Stone Roses

'These pictures of the Stone Roses in their pomp are the polar opposite of the wintry monochrome of Kevin s famous Joy Division pictures. But the effect is the same, the creation of an image that mirrors the music beautifully and one the band will forever be identified with.' -- Stuart Maconie

'All memorable, defining images.' -- Miranda Sawyer, Observer

'Cummins' images of the city and of key players in Mancunian music from that famous shot of Ian Curtis, cigarette in hand, to Liam Gallagher are a key part of the iconography of the city's soul.' -- Independent

'Kevin's photographs are extraordinary and down to earth at the same time.' -- Johnny Marr

'I don't want to insult the musicians but without these photographs it just wouldn't have had the same impact . . . his pics capture the times and the places much more than words. Kevin's gift is to capture these moments in time and also to somehow make them at the same time relevant now - how he does it I do not know.' --David Peace

Manchester, its bands, its fashions, its attitude, has defined pop culture for the best part of four decades. Joy Division, The Fall, Buzzcocks, New Order, The Smiths, Happy Mondays, Stone Roses, Oasis. These were the bands that shaped two generations of teenagers and changed the course of pop music.

Manchester: Looking for the Light through the Pouring Rain is a portrait of these individuals, the city, and their times. Whether it be on a rain-soaked stage in Brazil, a rented room in Whalley Range, or on the dancefloor of the legendary Hacienda, Kevin Cummins' exquisite photographs capture the anarchic energy of the Manchester pop moment. This stunning visual record of the city and its pop history is complemented by four textual contributions from Paul Morley, Stuart Maconie, Gavin Martin and John Harris. What is it about that city that makes it the Memphis of the UK? Cummins' photographic record of the past 30 years captures the highs, the lows and the transcendent pop moments of Manchester's most famous sons.

Ver Descripción del producto
  • Editorial FABER & FABER
  • ISBN13 9780571283385
  • ISBN10 0571283381
  • Tipo Libro
  • Páginas 400
  • Año de Edición 2012