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Contemporary Encounters with Ancient Metaphysics

Autor Abraham Jacob Greenstine / Ryan J. Johnson


Contemporary Encounters with Ancient Metaphysics
-5% dto.    32,50€
Ahorra 1,63€
  • ISBN13 9781474437424
  • ISBN10 1474437427
  • Tipo Libro
  • Páginas 224
  • Año de Edición 2018
  • Idioma Inglés
  • Encuadernación Paperback

Contemporary Encounters with Ancient Metaphysics

Autor Abraham Jacob Greenstine / Ryan J. Johnson


-5% dto.    32,50€
Ahorra 1,63€
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Detalles del libro

Ancient metaphysics and contemporary continental realism have a key goal in common: to investigate how beings exists outside of the descriptions placed on them by language, consciousness, texts and society. This volume addresses the encounters between contemporary and antique philosophies, from Plato, Aristotle and Lucretius to Deleuze, Agamben and Badiou. Alongside these essays are three original and previously unpublished translations of texts by Gilles Deleuze, Pierre Aubenque and Barbara Cassin.

1. A Thousand Antiquities - Abraham Jacob Greenstine & Ryan J. Johnson

I. Plato
2. The Muses and Philosophy: Elements for a History of the "Pseudos" [1991] - Barbara Cassin, trans. Sam Galson
3. Odysseus' Changed Soul: A contemporary reading of the Myth of Er - Catherine Malabou
4. Plato's Protagoras: The Authority of Beginning an Education - Daniel Price
5. Univocity, Duality, and Ideal Genesis: Deleuze and Plato - John Bova & Paul Livingston
6. "Adjust your dread": Badiou's Metaphysical Disposition - Adam Bartlett

II. Aristotle
7. Science Regained [1962] - Pierre Aubenque, trans. Clayton Shoppa
8. Aristotle's Organism, and Ours - Emanuela Bianchi
9. Does it Matter? Material Nature and Vital Heat in Aristotle's Biology - Adriel M. Trott
10. The Modern Aristotle: Michael Polanyi's Search for Truth against Nihilism - David Hoinski & Ron Polansky 
11. Diverging Ways: The Trajectories of Ontology in Parmenides, Aristotle, and Deleuze - Abraham Jacob Greenstine
12. Object and ?????: Harman and Aristotle on the Being of Things - Eric Salem

III. Epicureans, Stoics, Skeptics, and Neo-Platonists
13. Lucretius and Naturalism [1961] - Gilles Deleuze, trans. Jared Bly
14. On Causality and Law in Lucretius and Contemporary Cosmology - David Webb
15. On the Surface: The Deleuze-Stoicism Encounter - Ryan J. Johnson
16. Contingency and Skepticism in Agamben's Thought - Gert-Jan van der Heiden
17. Plotinus' "Reverse" Platonism: A Deleuzian Response to the Problem of Emanation Imagery - Gina Zavota 

IV. Postscript 
18. From Metaphysics to Ethics (with Bernard Stiegler, Heraclitus, and Aristotle) - Kurt Lampe

  • ISBN13 9781474437424
  • ISBN10 1474437427
  • Tipo Libro
  • Páginas 224
  • Año de Edición 2018
  • Idioma Inglés
  • Encuadernación Paperback