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Princess Smartypants

Princess Smartypants
11,00€ -5% dto.
Ahorra 0,55€
  • Editorial GRANTA
  • ISBN13 9780140555264
  • ISBN10 0140555269
  • Tipo Libro

Princess Smartypants

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Detalles del libro

Princess Smartypants doesn't want to get married. She enjoys being a Ms. and she wants to live in the castle with her pets and do exactly as she pleases. Because she is very pretty and very rich, all the princes want her to be their Mrs. So Princess Smartypants has to think up some very clever ways of dealing with unwanted suitors in this hilarious fairy-tale-with-a-difference.
Biografía del autor
Babette Cole was born in Jersey in the Channel Islands. She graduated from Canterbury College of Art in 1973 and was the illustrator and author of more than 150 witty, imaginative, irreverent and thought-provoking picture books for children including the bestselling, stereotype-defying Princess Smartypants. She produced animated storyboards for the BBC and illustrated numerous greetings cards and books by other authors as well as her own. Babette adored the countryside and was a keen horse rider and breeder. She spent much of her life in Lincolnshire, before moving to Kent and then westward through Dorset, Devon and Cornwall.

  • Editorial GRANTA
  • ISBN13 9780140555264
  • ISBN10 0140555269
  • Tipo Libro