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Art situacions. A prospective look

Autor AA. VV.


Art situacions. A prospective look
-5% disc.    20,00€
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Art situacions. A prospective look

Autor AA. VV.


-5% disc.    20,00€
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Book Details

ART Situacions offers an appealing prospective map of the very up-to-date artistic creativity. ART Situacions is a new private initiative that aims to support emerging contemporary art in the Iberian Peninsula and to reach the general public. The project is directed by Pilar Forcada and assessed by a committee formed by Teresa Blanch, María de Corral, Yolanda Romero and Vicente Todolí, who are prominent experts in education, curatorship, museology and management of art centres.

Arts Santa Mònica holds the first edition of ART Situacions. A prospective look. Following a joint working process, the exhibition displays a selection of ten notorious artists of the youngest generations in Spain and Portugal: Mauro Cerqueira, Pepe Cifuentes in collaboration with flo6x8, Patricia Dauder, Carla Filipe, Nuria Fuster, Santiago Giralda, Jaime de la Jara, Miki Leal, Juan López and Francesc Ruiz.

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