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Instinct and revelation. Reflections on the origins of numinous percep

Instinct and revelation. Reflections on the origins of numinous percep
69,39€ -5% disc.
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  • Publisher LIVRE POCHE
  • ISBN13 9789056995270
  • ISBN10 9056995278
  • Type Book
  • Pages 299
  • Published 1996
  • Bookbinding Cloth

Instinct and revelation. Reflections on the origins of numinous percep

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Book Details

Instinct and Revelation revolves around the hypothesis that ritual behavior and imaginative awareness in early hominids may have helped to spawn the evolution of the human brain and human consciousness. Using an integral perspective comparable with systems theory, the book carefully interweaves fact and theory from physical and cultural anthropology, psychobiology and the brain sciences, psychology, and to a lesser degree, Eastern philosophy. This book breaks from tradition by discussing from a primarily anthropological perspective the origin of human consciousness within a philosophical framework that embraces precepts from human evolution, evolutionary psychology, the neurosciences, biocultural anthropology, and cultural symbolic anthropology.
The book's central theme is that ritual awareness, accompanied by transcendental experience or one of its precursors, may have existed in proto-humans who lived over one million years ago. The author proposes that some form of transcendental consci
  • Publisher LIVRE POCHE
  • ISBN13 9789056995270
  • ISBN10 9056995278
  • Type Book
  • Pages 299
  • Published 1996
  • Bookbinding Cloth