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Cultural anthropology

Autor Barbara D. Miller


Cultural anthropology
-5% disc.    61,76€
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  • Publisher ALLYN AND BACON
  • ISBN13 9780205163960
  • ISBN10 0205163963
  • Type Book
  • Pages 476
  • Published 1997
  • Bookbinding Rustic

Cultural anthropology

Autor Barbara D. Miller


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Book Details

How do people in different parts of the world obtain food, conceive of their place in the universe, and deal with the rapid cultural change brought about through satellite communication? Knowing about the world's cultures is a crucial foundation of shaping a vision and appropriating change, whether one is involved in environmental studies, peace studies, or international business. Engaging its readers in a critical thinking approach, this book's substantive discussion provides a broad look at the discipline of anthropology and the concept of culture. The fifteen chapters begin with the economic and reproductive bases of culture, then the social organization, such as family and politics, and finally ideology, which includes religious belief, communication, and expressive culture. Attention to social inequality throughout the book enhances understanding of how cultural processes actually work, especially in complex "multicultural" societies. Cultural anthropologists, historians, and anyone interested in culture and different societies.
  • Publisher ALLYN AND BACON
  • ISBN13 9780205163960
  • ISBN10 0205163963
  • Type Book
  • Pages 476
  • Published 1997
  • Bookbinding Rustic

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