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Pilgrimage to beethoven and other essays

Autor Richard Wagner

Editorial U.NEBRASKA

Pilgrimage to beethoven and other essays
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  • Publisher U.NEBRASKA
  • ISBN13 9780803297630
  • ISBN10 0803297637
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Rustic

Pilgrimage to beethoven and other essays

Autor Richard Wagner

Editorial U.NEBRASKA

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Book Details

When Wagner published the first collection of his writings he was pleased to admit how well he wrote, even when young. Historians and musicians ever since have agreed that some of his most important and revelatory works were written when he was first establishing his reputation in Paris and Dresden. Pilgrimage to Beethoven and Other Essays provides translations of the first two volumes of his Gesammelte Schriften (1871-1873). These works reveal how committed he was to emphasizing Germanic qualities in his music and define his opposition to the music of France and Italy. In addition to his influential essay on Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, this volume includes two early essays on Germanic myth - "The Wibelungen" and "The Nibelungen-Myth" - his homages to Carl Maria von Weber, and the complete text of his autobiographical A German Musician in Paris, with its famous "Pilgrimage to Beethoven." The volume concludes with his "Plan of Organisation of a German National Theatre" (1849), founded upon Beethoven's moral music. Listeners "inspired by Beethoven's music have been more active and energetic citizens-of-State than those bewitched by Rossini, Bellini and Donizetti." Throughout these essays, as throughout his life, Wagner knew how to provoke.
  • Publisher U.NEBRASKA
  • ISBN13 9780803297630
  • ISBN10 0803297637
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Rustic

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