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The globalization of news

Autor AA. VV.


The globalization of news
-5% disc.    29,50€
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  • ISBN13 9780761953876
  • ISBN10 0761953876
  • Type Book
  • Pages 230
  • Published 1998
  • Bookbinding Rustic

The globalization of news

Autor AA. VV.


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Book Details

The Globalization of News gives a comprehensive overview of those media organizations, the news agencies, which report and film the news for the press and broadcast media. Incorporating institutional, historical, political, economic, and cultural studies perspectives, this book + Reviews agency provision of general, video, and financial news + Analyzes the relationship between news agencies, nation-states, and "retail" media + Critically examines the impact of deregulation and globalization on the news agency business Contributors consider how leading players like Reuters and Associated Press help to define the nature of both the global and the local as well as focusing on the network of relations between international and national agencies. The book also takes into account the attempts by some national news agencies to establish radically different news agendas. Demonstrating how news agencies have contributed both to the process of globalization and, simultaneously, to the process of national construction, this book provides an important critical survey of the contemporary international news business. The Globalization of News will be welcomed by all undergraduate and post-graduate students of media studies and international communication.
  • ISBN13 9780761953876
  • ISBN10 0761953876
  • Type Book
  • Pages 230
  • Published 1998
  • Bookbinding Rustic

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