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The dancing column. On order in architecture

Autor Joseph Rykwert

Editorial MIT

The dancing column. On order in architecture
-5% disc.    48,44€
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  • Publisher MIT
  • ISBN13 9780262681018
  • ISBN10 0262681013
  • Type Book
  • Pages 597
  • Published 1997
  • Bookbinding Rustic

The dancing column. On order in architecture

Autor Joseph Rykwert

Editorial MIT

-5% disc.    48,44€
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Book Details

Joseph Rykwert is one of the major architectural historians of this century, whose full humanistic understanding of architecture and its historical significance is unrivaled. The Dancing Column is certain to be his most controversial and challenging work to date. A decade in preparation, it is a deeply erudite, clearly written, and wide-ranging deconstruction of the system of column and beam known as the "orders of architecture," tracing the powerful and persistent analogy between columns and/or buildings and the human body. The body-column metaphor is as old as architectural thought, informing the works of Vitruvius, Alberti, and many later writers; but The Dancing Column is the first comprehensive treatment to do this huge subject full justice. It provides a new critical examination of the way the classical orders, which have dominated Western architecture for nearly three millennia, were first formulated. Rykwert opens with a review of their consequence for the leading architects of the twentieth century, and then traces ideas related to them in accounts of sacred antiquity and in scientific doctrines of humor and character.
  • Publisher MIT
  • ISBN13 9780262681018
  • ISBN10 0262681013
  • Type Book
  • Pages 597
  • Published 1997
  • Bookbinding Rustic