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Teach yourself New testament Greek

Autor D. F. Hudson

Editorial HODDER

Teach yourself New testament Greek
-5% disc.    28,41€
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  • Publisher HODDER
  • ISBN13 9780340870846
  • ISBN10 0340870842
  • Type Book
  • Pages 178
  • Published 1992
  • Bookbinding Rustic

Teach yourself New testament Greek

Autor D. F. Hudson

Editorial HODDER

-5% disc.    28,41€
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Book Details

The Greek of the New Testament was the common, everyday language of the first century and it is often referred to by the name 'Koine', which is the Greek word for 'common'. In Palestine, it was usual to put notices in three languages: Aramaic, Latin, and, the common lingua franca of the Mediterranean world, Greek. This Greek is not the polished literary Greek of Athens but the everyday language of the people and this is why the writers of the New Testament used it. It is likely that the disciples, and Jesus himself, spoke Greek as well as Aramaic. A knowledge of the language of the New Testament will help you to understand more easily the events it describes and the words which are spoken. This book will introduce you to the language and the world of the New Testament step by step. The Greek of the New Testament is often viewed from the perspective of classical Attic Greek, but in this book it is described as a language in its own right. Almost all sentences used to illustrate grammar and for reading exercises are taken from the New Testament itself, and in every case their exact source is indicated. This feature, which is new to elementary books, will give you an added interest as
  • Publisher HODDER
  • ISBN13 9780340870846
  • ISBN10 0340870842
  • Type Book
  • Pages 178
  • Published 1992
  • Bookbinding Rustic