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The japanise written word. A unique reader

Autor Helene Kasha / Glenn Melchinger


The japanise written word. A unique reader
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The japanise written word. A unique reader

Autor Helene Kasha / Glenn Melchinger


-5% disc.    32,94€
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Book Details

The Japanese Written Word is a collection of original texts and supporting material for beginning to advanced students at the high school or college level. Among its outstanding features is a unique (and patented) method of allowing students to read original Japanese with a quick and easy means of deciphering obscure words. Another sterling feature is the book's multifaceted approach: each text is accompanied by vocabulary lists, notes and commentary, cultural and biographical background, illustrations or maps where pertinent, and quizzes to reinforce the student's understanding and penetration of the text in question. This depth of focus accounts for the appeal of the book to its prospective readership: it can be approached from various angles to fill a range of needs.

The spectrum of styles included is also broad: light literature, personal philosophy, economics, women in society, poetry, family life, science and ecology, and last but not least, Hiroshima. The writers of these pieces include some of the most famous Japanese figures in their respective fields: Soichiro Honda, Naoya Shiga, and Seiji Ozawa, among others.

The Japanese Written Word: A Unique Reader is not only an efficient way to study Japan's culture and its writing system but also a satisfying personal experience.