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Developing JavaBeans using VisualAge for Java,Version 2

Autor Dale R. et al. Nilsson


Developing JavaBeans using  VisualAge for Java,Version 2
-5% disc.    62,98€
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  • ISBN13 9780471345343
  • ISBN10 0471345342
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Rustic

Developing JavaBeans using VisualAge for Java,Version 2

Autor Dale R. et al. Nilsson


-5% disc.    62,98€
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Book Details

Create JavaBeans and JFC components using one of the hottest tools available This valuable guide was written by two IBM insiders who have successfully taught VisualAge for Java to programmers around the world for IBM's certification courses. It gives programmers the inside track on preparing for IBM's certification and explains how to debug Java programs interactively. Programmers and developers will find helpful coverage of VisualAge for Java's IDE and Visual Builder along with techniques for applying Visual Design Patterns. They'll also learn how to deploy Java applications and applets and create JFC components with version 2.0. CD-ROM includes VisualAge for Java Enterprise Edition, Sun JDK 1.2 and BDK 1.2, and all of the code examples found in the book.
  • ISBN13 9780471345343
  • ISBN10 0471345342
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Rustic