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Renaissance book collecting. Jean Grolier and Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, their books and bindings

Autor Anthony Hobson


Renaissance book collecting. Jean Grolier and Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, their books and bindings
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Renaissance book collecting. Jean Grolier and Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, their books and bindings

Autor Anthony Hobson


-5% disc.    87,56€
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Book Details

This book studies and compares two sixteenth-century libraries. Jean Grolier's was a bibliophilic "cabinet" of fine books. Hurtado de Mendoza's was a much larger and more scholarly collection; a full Catalogue is provided for the first time. Books commissioned by Jean Grolier, "the Prince of Bibliophiles", have long been famous. Hurtado de Mendoza was a poet and historian, a Greek scholar and Arabist. This book contains valuable information on Grolier and Hurtado de Mendoza's work, including catalogues, lists of bindings and indexes of printers, publishers, editors, commentators and translators.