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Mind, materiality and history. Explorations in fijian ethnography

Autor Christina Toren


Mind, materiality and history. Explorations in fijian ethnography
-5% disc.    32,94€
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  • Publisher ROUTLEDGE
  • ISBN13 9780415195775
  • ISBN10 0415195772
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Rustic

Mind, materiality and history. Explorations in fijian ethnography

Autor Christina Toren


-5% disc.    32,94€
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Book Details

Mind, Materiality and History: Explorations in Fijian Historiography is the outcome of over a decade's research into how Fijians live their lives and constitute their knowledge of the world. Through this exploration, the author aims to derive a new theory of embodied mind that works as well for explaining ourselves as it does for explaining others. Investigating the processes by which humans interact with the material world of objects and with other people, the book addresses the issue of how we form our identities in connection with, and in contrast to, the identities of those around us. Mind, Materiality and History demonstrates that the human mind is the fundamental historical phenomenon.
  • Publisher ROUTLEDGE
  • ISBN13 9780415195775
  • ISBN10 0415195772
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Rustic