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Mala fama

Mala fama
15,90€ -5% disc.
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  • ISBN13 9788411580533
  • ISBN10 8411580539
  • Type Book
  • Pages 40
  • Published 2023
  • Language Spanish
  • Range Interest age, in years From 4

Mala fama

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Book Details

Los cuentos les han dado mala fama, ¿pero los conocemos en realidad? Con este libro sabremos cómo es la vida de los lobos, dónde viven las arañas, qué comen los tiburones o si el cocodrilo puede permanecer mucho tiempo fuera del agua. Una historia de Bel Olid, que juega a construir un cuento con dos voces literarias y que aporta datos que rebaten la mala fama de cada uno de los animales que aparecen. ¡Una historia de animales con un final inesperado!

-Once upon a time there was a very ferocious bad wolf...
-Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute. And so begins this book... Two girls chatting and challenging the myth of the Bad Wolf, put off by folklore and fairy tales.

There are many animals that have a bad name. And the purpose of Bel Olid is to clear their names with facts and figures. Throughout the conversation, the reader will be able to lift the flaps and find out the truth behind wolves, sharks, spiders, horses and crocodiles. Accompanied by the amazing illustrations of Naida Mazzenga, children realize to which extent the image we have of them is misleading and why they are so important to us and to their habitats. Don't be afraid of lifting the flaps. They are not as bad as they say
  • ISBN13 9788411580533
  • ISBN10 8411580539
  • Type Book
  • Pages 40
  • Published 2023
  • Language Spanish
  • Range Interest age, in years From 4