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Practice tests for PET. 2 Cassette

Autor Louise Hashemi / Barbara Thomas


Practice tests for PET. 2 Cassette
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Practice tests for PET. 2 Cassette

Autor Louise Hashemi / Barbara Thomas


-5% disc.    18,03€
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Book Details

Cambridge Practice Tests for PET 1 contains five complete practice tests written to comply with the 1996 syllabus for the Preliminary English Test.

Written by authors with wide experience of test-writing and of the PET exam, and trialled by students in Britain and overseas, these tests can be relied upon as accurate representations of the 1996 PET syllabus.

The first test in the book is presented in an 'expanded' form, with notes and annotations to help students find their way around the new format of each section of the PET. The other four tests are model PET examinations providing excellent pre-test practice.

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