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Telephoning in English. (Cassettes)

Autor B. Jean Naterop


Telephoning in English. (Cassettes)
-5% disc.    21,90€
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Telephoning in English. (Cassettes)

Autor B. Jean Naterop


-5% disc.    21,90€
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Article Details

Telephoning in English is for professionals or trainees professionals in business, commerce and administration who need to make and answer phone calls. It is suitable for learners at the intermediate and upper-intermediate levels, and can be used in class or for self-study. The emphasis is on developing and consolidating practical telephone skills in a variety of interesting and relevant contexts. Activities range from message-taking and spelling practice to role play, providing learners with a comprehensive course in using the telephone in English. The second edition has been fully revised and updated to take into account the most important recent developments in the world of telecommunications. It has also been redesigned at a larger format and in colour to make it easier to use for learners working on their own. The recorded material is available on an audio cassette set (2) or audio CD set (2).

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