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God and the creative imagination (Metaphor, symbol and myth in religion and theology)

Autor Paul Avis


God and the creative imagination (Metaphor, symbol and myth in religion and theology)
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  • Publisher ROUTLEDGE
  • ISBN13 9780415215039
  • ISBN10 041521503X
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Rustic

God and the creative imagination (Metaphor, symbol and myth in religion and theology)

Autor Paul Avis


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Book Details

A mere metaphor, only symbolic, just a myth--these tell tale phrases reveal how figurative language has been cheapened and devalued in our modern and postmodern culture. In God and the Creative Imagination, Paul Avis argues the contrary: metaphor, symbol and myth

are the key to a real knowledge of God and the sacred. Avis examines what he calls an alternative tradition, stemming from the Romantic poets William Blake and John Keats, drawing on the thought of John Henry Newman, and experience in both modern philosophy and science. He intriguingly

draws on a number of non-theological disciplines, from literature to philosophy, to show us that God is appropriately likened to an artist or poet and that the greatest truths are expressed in an imaginative form.

  • Publisher ROUTLEDGE
  • ISBN13 9780415215039
  • ISBN10 041521503X
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Rustic