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Implementing application frameworks : object-oriented frameworks at wo

Autor Ralph E. Johnson / Douglas C. Schmidt / Mohamed Fayad


Implementing application frameworks : object-oriented frameworks at wo
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  • ISBN13 9780471252016
  • ISBN10 0471252018
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Cloth

Implementing application frameworks : object-oriented frameworks at wo

Autor Ralph E. Johnson / Douglas C. Schmidt / Mohamed Fayad


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Book Details

Object Technology A gold mine of enterprise application frameworks Implementing Application Frameworks While frameworks can save your company millions in development costs over time, the initial investment can be quite high. This book/CD-ROM package helps you to reduce the cost of framework development by providing 40 case studies documenting the experiences of framework builders and users at major corporations and research labs, worldwide. Throughout, the authors extract important lessons and highlight technical and organizational implementation practices that have been proven to yield the biggest payoff. Focusing primarily on business systems and agent-based application frameworks, it covers frameworks for:* Data processing* Agent-based applications* Artificial intelligence applications* Object-oriented business processes* System application frameworks* Programming languages and tools* And much moreThe enclosed CD-ROM gives you:* Example frameworks* Documentation and manuals* Framework code and implementation tips* Sample framework architectures and models* Design patterns and presentations* Animated demonstrations

  • ISBN13 9780471252016
  • ISBN10 0471252018
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Cloth

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