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The strange case of Dr. Jekhyll and Mr. Hyde. Upper-intermediate

Autor Robert Louis Stevenson


The strange case of Dr. Jekhyll and Mr. Hyde. Upper-intermediate
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  • ISBN13 9780582275010
  • ISBN10 0582275016
  • Type Book
  • Pages 68
  • Published 1996
  • Bookbinding Rustic

The strange case of Dr. Jekhyll and Mr. Hyde. Upper-intermediate

Autor Robert Louis Stevenson


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Book Details

Inspired by a feverish dream, Stevenson's renowned horror fantasy is a glimpse into the darker side of human nature. Foreword by Helen Dunmore.

Dr. Henry Jekyll has been obsessed since early manhood by the uneasy duality of good and evil that he senses in himself and others, and is driven, to the dismay of his peers, to tamper with the mysterious, transcendental side of science. The respected doctor becomes inexplicably silent and reclusive, while, at the same time, the terrifying Mr. Edward Hyde begins to stalk the streets of London. At heart a chilling tale of the perils of ambition and hubris, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde reflects many of the preoccupations of Stevenson's own Victorian milieu-the dangers of a morbidly repressive society and the post-Darwinian fear of man's bestial nature. Scottish novelist and poet Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-94) is most famous for his classic adventure tales Treasure Island and Kidnapped.

Hesperus Press, as suggested by their Latin motto, Et remotissima prope, is dedicated to bringing near what is far-far both in space and time. Works by illustrious authors, often unjustly neglected or simply little known in the English-speaking world, are made accessible through a completely fresh editorial approach and new translations. Through these short classic works, which feature forewords by leading contemporary authors, the modern reader will be introduced to the greatest writers of Europe and America. An elegantly designed series of genuine rediscoveries.

  • ISBN13 9780582275010
  • ISBN10 0582275016
  • Type Book
  • Pages 68
  • Published 1996
  • Bookbinding Rustic

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