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The politics of trade in Safavid Iran (Silk for silver, 1600-1730)

The politics of trade in Safavid Iran (Silk for silver, 1600-1730)
128,08€ -5% disc.
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  • Publisher CAMBRIDGE U.P
  • ISBN13 9780521641319
  • ISBN10 0521641314
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Cloth

The politics of trade in Safavid Iran (Silk for silver, 1600-1730)

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Book Details

This book considers the economic, social and political importance of the silk trade in Safavid Iran. It focuses on four aspects of this trade: the role of silk in Iranian commercial policy, the interaction between agents of the state and foreign merchants, the routes along which silk was transported and, critically, the economic and social difficulties that contributed to the collapse of the regime in the 1720s. This represents a major contribution to the current debates on the social and economic history of the premodern world.
  • Publisher CAMBRIDGE U.P
  • ISBN13 9780521641319
  • ISBN10 0521641314
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Cloth