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Jude the obscure. (PR-5). Upper Intermediate

Autor Thomas Hardy

Editorial LONGMAN

Jude the obscure.  (PR-5). Upper Intermediate
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  • Publisher LONGMAN
  • ISBN13 9780582402645
  • ISBN10 0582402646
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Rustic

Jude the obscure. (PR-5). Upper Intermediate

Autor Thomas Hardy

Editorial LONGMAN

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Book Details

"Upon its first appearance in 1895, Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure shocked Victorian critics and readers with a frank depiction of sexuality and an unbridled indictment of the institutions of marriage, education, and religion - reportedly causing one Anglican bishop to order the book publicly burned. The experience so exhausted Hardy that he never wrote a work of fiction again." Rich in symbolism, Jude the Obscure is the story of Jude Fawley and his struggle to rise from his station as a poor Wessex stone mason to that of a scholar at Christminster. It is also the story of Jude's ill-fated relationship with his cousin Sue Bridehead - and the ultimate tragedy that causes Jude's undoing and Sue's transformation. Jude the Obscure explores man's essential loneliness and remains one of Hardy's most widely read novels.
  • Publisher LONGMAN
  • ISBN13 9780582402645
  • ISBN10 0582402646
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Rustic