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Elusive empires (Constructing colonialism in the Ohio valley, 1673-180

Autor Eric Hinderaker


Elusive empires (Constructing colonialism in the Ohio valley, 1673-180
-5% disc.    40,50€
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  • Publisher CAMBRIDGE U.P
  • ISBN13 9780521663458
  • ISBN10 0521663458
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Rustic

Elusive empires (Constructing colonialism in the Ohio valley, 1673-180

Autor Eric Hinderaker


-5% disc.    40,50€
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Book Details

This book examines and compares the efforts of France, Britain, and the United States to extend imperial dominion over the Ohio Valley, focusing on the relations between Europeans and Indians to tell the story. In a compelling narrative, it considers the ways in which France and Great Britain each attempted to create viable empires in the region, the conflicts that resulted, and the origins and outcome of the American Revolution in the West. The result is a fascinating story that offers a strikingly new interpretation of the origins, progress, and effects of the American Revolution.
  • Publisher CAMBRIDGE U.P
  • ISBN13 9780521663458
  • ISBN10 0521663458
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Rustic