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Religion and science

Autor Mel Thompson

Editorial HODDER

Religion and science
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  • Publisher HODDER
  • ISBN13 9780340757710
  • ISBN10 034075771X
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Rustic

Religion and science

Autor Mel Thompson

Editorial HODDER

-5% disc.    14,00€
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Book Details

This text aims to present a thorough and accessible approach to the two disciplines of science and religion which, together and apart, have brought forward the largest range of philosophical arguments and controversies throughout history. The book takes a historical look at scientific and religious opinion, focusing on key individuals and opinions. In clear, non-patronising language it applies traditional and contemporary philosophical arguments to popular debates. Covering issues such as miracles, scientific method, genetics and the Big Bang, the book looks at how philosophical arguments can be, and have in the past been, applied to this challenging and changing situation. The text also contains questions written by examiners which are suitable for both A and AS Level students.
  • Publisher HODDER
  • ISBN13 9780340757710
  • ISBN10 034075771X
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Rustic

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