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Diary of a dirty little war (The spanish-american war of 1898)

Autor Harvey Rosenfeld


Diary of a dirty little war (The spanish-american war of 1898)
-5% disc.    95,92€
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  • Publisher PRAEGER/ABC CLIO
  • ISBN13 9780275966737
  • ISBN10 0275966739
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Cloth

Diary of a dirty little war (The spanish-american war of 1898)

Autor Harvey Rosenfeld


-5% disc.    95,92€
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Book Details

The Spanish-American War has been called a "splendid" little war, but, as Rosenfeld contends, it was a dirty little war as well. This colorful account, presented in diary format from the days preceding the declaration of war to the signing of the peace treaty with Spain, reveals how every aspect of American life was ultimately touched by the war. From the beginning, a unique spirit of patriotism pervaded the nation as volunteers flooded local enlistment centers. But it soon was evident that the United States was ill prepared to deal with the demands of training new troops, transporting them to staging areas, and protecting them against disease. Rosenfeld provides readers with the local color of the home front, including the experiences of the Jewish and black communities in the war, and strikes a balance between scholarly and popular writing.
  • Publisher PRAEGER/ABC CLIO
  • ISBN13 9780275966737
  • ISBN10 0275966739
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Cloth