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Stanley Kubrick, director (A visual analysis)

Autor Alexander et al. Walker

Editorial NORTON

Stanley Kubrick, director (A visual analysis)
-5% disc.    39,67€
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  • Publisher NORTON
  • ISBN13 9780393321197
  • ISBN10 0393321193
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Rustic

Stanley Kubrick, director (A visual analysis)

Autor Alexander et al. Walker

Editorial NORTON

-5% disc.    39,67€
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Book Details

Alexander Walker's Stanley Kubrick, Director is the only book ever written with Kubrick's cooperation. This new edition, revised and expanded to discuss all of Kubrick's films—including Eyes Wide Shut—again received the approval of the reclusive director, who before his death allowed the use of illustrations taken directly from his films' frames. The result is a frame-by-frame examination of the inimitable style that infuses every Kubrick movie, from the pitch-perfect hilarity of Lolita to the icy supremacy of 2001: A Space Odyssey to the baroque horror of The Shining. The book's beautiful design and dynamic arrangement of photographic stills offer a frame-by-frame understanding of how Kubrick constructed a film. What emerges is a deeply human study of one remarkable artist's nature and obsessions, and how these changed and shifted in his four decades as a filmmaker. Black-and-white illustrations throughout, 8 pages of color.

The definitive book on the director. (Publishers Weekly)

By far the most comprehensive guide to the reclusive director's work. (Washington Post Book World)

  • Publisher NORTON
  • ISBN13 9780393321197
  • ISBN10 0393321193
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Rustic

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