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A century's journey (How the great powers shaped the world)

Autor Robert A. (Ed.) Pastor


A century's journey (How the great powers shaped the world)
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  • Publisher PERSEUS BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9780465054763
  • ISBN10 0465054765
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Rustic

A century's journey (How the great powers shaped the world)

Autor Robert A. (Ed.) Pastor


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Book Details

This incisive study of the evolving world order argues that seven countries have changed the world during the twentieth century and predicts their continued centrality in the twenty-first.Will the world of the twenty-first century be dominated by global companies, ethnic strife, or rogue tyrants with weapons of mass destruction? This definitive volume argues convincingly that the answer depends on the actions of the world's great powers, who will continue to set the rules affecting globalization, culture, and pariah regimes. Will the world of the twenty-first century be dominated by global companies, ethnic strife, or rogue tyrants? This definitive volume argues convincingly that the answer depends on the actions of the world's great powers, which will continue to set the rules affecting globalization, culture, and pariah regimes. In A Century's Journey, seven influential scholars trace the global strategies of the world's most powerful countries during the past 100 years. Through authoritative chapters on each great power, readers will learn how these countries redefined their interests in response to momentous changes and reshaped the world so that it bears only slight resemblance to the world of 1900. The scholars and their areas of expertise are Professors Robert A. Pastor (United States), Stanley Hoffman of Harvard University (France), Josef Joffe, Editor of Suddeutsche Zeitung (Germany), Robert Legvold of Columbia University (Soviet Union/Russia), Robert J. Lieber of Georgetown University (Great Britain), Michael Oksenberg of Stanford University (China), and Kenneth Pyle of the University of Washington (Japan).

"An extremely thoughtful examination of great-power politics." -Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times

"How will the great powers shape our new century? By distilling the answers for the twentieth century, these leading experts prepare us better to understand and cope with the twenty-first century." -Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Dean, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

"Robert Pastor has assembled an outstanding group of scholars, who provide their views of the foreign policies of seven Great Powers in the twentieth century, and their opinions of the likely trajectories of those policies in the twenty-first century. Readers of this book will conclude that while we live in a globalized world, states will define the rules." -James A. Baker III, former Secretary of State

"By surveying the foreign policies of the seven great powers in the twentieth century, A Century's Journey provides a superb road map for understanding the strategic challenges and opportunities of the next century." -Sam Nunn, former chairman, U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee

  • Publisher PERSEUS BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9780465054763
  • ISBN10 0465054765
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Rustic