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Legacies of Dachau (The uses and abuses of a concentration camp, 1933-20019

Autor Harold Marcuse


Legacies of Dachau (The uses and abuses of a concentration camp, 1933-20019
-5% disc.    92,79€
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  • Publisher CAMBRIDGE U.P
  • ISBN13 9780521552042
  • ISBN10 0521552044
  • Type Book
  • Pages 590
  • Published 2001
  • Bookbinding Cloth

Legacies of Dachau (The uses and abuses of a concentration camp, 1933-20019

Autor Harold Marcuse


-5% disc.    92,79€
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Book Details

"Auschwitz, Belsen, Dachau. Three generations later, these names still evoke the horrors of Nazi Germany around the world. What should be done with sites where hundreds of thousands of people were murdered and cremated? Punish Nazis? Tear down the buildings and plant trees? Build stores and apartments? Educate teenagers? All of these things happened at former concentration camps after 1945." "Marcuse's narrative takes one of these sites, Dachau, and traces its history from the beginning of the twentieth century, through its twelve years as Nazi Germany's premier concentration camp, to the camp's postwar uses as a prison, residential neighborhood, and, finally, museum and memorial site."--BOOK JACKET.
  • Publisher CAMBRIDGE U.P
  • ISBN13 9780521552042
  • ISBN10 0521552044
  • Type Book
  • Pages 590
  • Published 2001
  • Bookbinding Cloth