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Neurons and networks (An introduction to behavioral neurosciences)

Autor John E. Dowling

Editorial HARVARD

Neurons and networks (An introduction to behavioral neurosciences)
-5% disc.    94,42€
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  • Publisher HARVARD
  • ISBN13 9780674004627
  • ISBN10 0674004620
  • Type Book
  • Pages 563
  • Published 2001
  • Bookbinding Cloth

Neurons and networks (An introduction to behavioral neurosciences)

Autor John E. Dowling

Editorial HARVARD

-5% disc.    94,42€
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Book Details

Harvard University Press is proud to announce the second edition of a widely admired introductory textbook. When first published, Neurons and Networks filled the need for an introductory neuroscience text that is lucid, accessible, authoritative, logically organized, and concise. Avoiding the encyclopedic coverage that makes most neuroscience texts overwhelming, Neurons and Networks focused instead on building the solid foundation of understanding and knowledge required for further study. The new edition retains the features that made the first edition so attractive: consistent emphasis on results and concepts that have stood the test of time; abundanthigh-quality illustrations; exceptionally clear explanations of technical terms. Completely revised and enlarged with six new chapters, the second edition of Neurons and Networks is an introduction not just to neurobiology, but to all of behavioral neuroscience. It is an ideal text for first- or second-year college students with minimal college science exposure. It is also an invaluable resource for students in biology, psychology, anthropology, and computer science who seek an accessible guide to a discipline that will be a critically important area of research in the twenty-first century.
  • Publisher HARVARD
  • ISBN13 9780674004627
  • ISBN10 0674004620
  • Type Book
  • Pages 563
  • Published 2001
  • Bookbinding Cloth

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