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I'm the king of the castle

Autor Susan Hill

Editorial GRANTA

I'm the king of the castle
-5% disc.    13,20€
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  • Publisher GRANTA
  • ISBN13 9780140034912
  • ISBN10 0140034919
  • Type Book
  • Collection GARDNERS
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Rustic

I'm the king of the castle

Autor Susan Hill

Editorial GRANTA

-5% disc.    13,20€
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Book Details

This book is one of a series of literature guides using graphics, active learning techniques and self-test questions and is intended to encourage an explorative reading of and response to the text, develop the skills and techniques required by English literature coursework and complement the teaching approach used in schools.

The book offers a brief plot synopsis, a double-page graphic overview and insight into the text, a short introduction to major characters and themes, a who's who in the text - introducing a cameo icon for each major character. It explains major and minor themes in the texts - introducing thematic icons, gives a detailed commentary on the text, linked closely to the text for ease of reference, and features icons to enable flexible following of themes and characters. There is also a self-test quiz for each section, focusing on skills that will be required for coursework and exams and a checklist of important quotes. Guidance on structure and content of exam essays is given with examples of questions.

  • Publisher GRANTA
  • ISBN13 9780140034912
  • ISBN10 0140034919
  • Type Book
  • Collection GARDNERS
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Rustic

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