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Women's work,1840-1940

Autor Elizabeth Roberts


Women's work,1840-1940
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  • Publisher CAMBRIDGE U.P
  • ISBN13 9780521557887
  • ISBN10 0521557887
  • Type Book

Women's work,1840-1940

Autor Elizabeth Roberts


-5% disc.    24,81€
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Book Details

This volume addresses the contentious issues surrounding women's work during a century of social upheaval. Elizabeth Roberts focuses on working-class women and their work--full time and part-time, paid and unpaid, outside and inside the home--examining men's attitudes to women's work, women's connections with trade unions, a "family wage," and unequal pay and status. Women's Work is a unique overview of an expanding field of social and economic history, and Dr. Roberts' survey of the available literature provides a useful guide to further reading.
  • Publisher CAMBRIDGE U.P
  • ISBN13 9780521557887
  • ISBN10 0521557887
  • Type Book