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Extending Self-Esteem theory and research.Sociological and psychological currents

Autor Timothy J. Owens


Extending Self-Esteem theory and research.Sociological and psychological currents
-5% disc.    121,53€
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  • Publisher CAMBRIDGE U.P
  • ISBN13 9780521630887
  • ISBN10 0521630886
  • Type Book

Extending Self-Esteem theory and research.Sociological and psychological currents

Autor Timothy J. Owens


-5% disc.    121,53€
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Book Details

This book is an in-depth examination of self-esteem--people's positive and negative evaluation of themselves as a person. Beginning with self-esteem's conceptualization and measurement, the book carefully examines the role of self-esteem in society and within and across various domains and contexts of the human experience. Inspired by the seminal work on self-esteem carried out by American social psychologist Morris Rosenberg, the book serves as a comprehensive statement on self-esteem theory and research in the late 20th century, with an eye toward the direction it will take in the 21st century.
  • Publisher CAMBRIDGE U.P
  • ISBN13 9780521630887
  • ISBN10 0521630886
  • Type Book