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The jungle book

Autor Rudyard Kipling


The jungle book
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  • Publisher PENGUIN BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9780140366860
  • ISBN10 0140366865
  • Type Book

The jungle book

Autor Rudyard Kipling


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Book Details

The Jungle Books can be regarded as classic stories told by an adult to children. But they also constitute a complex literary work of art in which the whole of Kipling's philosophy of life is expressed in miniature. They are best known for the 'Mowgli' stories; the tale of a baby abandoned and brought up by wolves, educated in the ways and secrets of the jungle by Kaa the python, Baloo the bear, and Bagheera the black panther. The stories, a mixture of fantasy, myth, and magic, are underpinned by Kipling's abiding preoccupation with the theme of self-discovery, and the nature of the 'Law'.
  • Publisher PENGUIN BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9780140366860
  • ISBN10 0140366865
  • Type Book