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Ni Hao 3 - An introduction to Chinese text


Ni Hao 3 - An introduction to Chinese text
-5% disc.    35,95€
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Ni Hao 3 - An introduction to Chinese text


-5% disc.    35,95€
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Book Details

For learners in upper-level elementary through senior high grades--or for anyone seeking a clear, effective way to learn Chinese--the popular Ni Hao series is a great way to begin. Ni Hao helps to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills with an approach that's fun, interactive, and informative. Illustrations and humorous cartoons, riddles, and stories facilitate understanding, and keep learning interesting. The Ni Hao 3 Textbook features a carefully-selected range of examples, situational settings, vocabulary, and cultural information to make it easier to practice Chinese in everyday activities. Short reading passages throughout the book build upon language aspects that learners have studied previously, offering a built-in, practical review. Conversations are presented as alternative role-playing scripts, which help bring to life the possibilities of using even simple language to communicate more meaningfully and extensively with others. Characters are used throughout the text to enhance students' reading and writing ability; pinyin acts as a guide to pronunciation for new characters. The Ni Hao series includes textbook, workbooks, audio products, CD-ROMs, and teacher's handbooks. Simplified character editions are also available.