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Primary Colors 2 Activity Book

Autor Andrew Littlejohn / Diana Hicks


Primary Colors 2 Activity Book
-5% disc.    18,90€
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Primary Colors 2 Activity Book

Autor Andrew Littlejohn / Diana Hicks


-5% disc.    18,90€
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Book Details

Primary Colours is a four-level course for young learners of English.
- Stories, songs, puzzles and games make Primary Colours fun, dynamic and involving.
- The course is supported by a clear grammatical syllabus.
- Regular revision pages reinforce what has been learnt and opportunities for self-assessment give children a sense of achievement.
- The Teacher's Book offers step-by-step guidance and includes a bank of extra materials to provide busy teachers with great flexibility.
- Further support and ideas are provided in the 'A-Z of Teaching Young Learners' which can be found at the back of the Teacher's Book

Level 2 is for children who have completed level 1 of Primary Colours or for those who have completed at least one year of any other primary course.