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Songs of Fortune

Autor Jeffrey Archer

Editorial PAN BOOKS

Songs of Fortune
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  • Publisher PAN BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9780330413350
  • ISBN10 033041335X
  • Type Book
  • Collection INGLES
  • Published 2003
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Rustic

Songs of Fortune

Autor Jeffrey Archer

Editorial PAN BOOKS

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Book Details

Bestselling author Jeffrey Archer returns with a powerful tale of twins separated by fate and reunited by destiny.
In the late 1940s in Hartford, Connecticut a set of twins is parted at birth. Nat Cartwright goes home with his parents, a schoolteacher and an insurance salesman. But his twin brother is to begin his days as Fletcher Daveport, the only son of a multi-millionaire ans his society wife.
During the years that follow, the two brothers grow up unaware of each other's existance. Nat leaves college at University of Connecticut to serve in Vietnam. He returns a war hero, finishes school and becomes a succesful banker. Fletcher, meanwhile, has graduated from Yale University and distinguishes himself as a criminal defence lawyer before he is elected to the Senate.
Even when Nat and Fletcher fall in love with the same girl, they still don't meet. They continue on their separate paths until one has to defend the other for a murder he did not commit. But the final confrontation comes when Nat and Fletcher are selected to stand against each other for governor of teh state.
  • Publisher PAN BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9780330413350
  • ISBN10 033041335X
  • Type Book
  • Collection INGLES
  • Published 2003
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Rustic

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