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The way to paradise

Autor Mario Vargas Llosa

Editorial FSG

The way to paradise
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  • Publisher FSG
  • ISBN13 9780374228033
  • ISBN10 0374228035
  • Type Book
  • Pages 373
  • Published 2003
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Cloth

The way to paradise

Autor Mario Vargas Llosa

Editorial FSG

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Book Details

"In 1844, the famous socialist agitator and memoirist Flora Tristan embarked on a tour of France to campaign for workers' and women's rights. In 1891, her grandson Paul Gauguin set sail for Tahiti, determined to escape civilization and paint primitive masterpieces. Flora died before her grandson was born, but their travels and obsessions unfold side by side in the deft, utterly absorbing novel from one of Latin America's most celebrated writers." Flora, the illegitimate child of a wealthy Peruvian father and a French mother, grows up in poverty and, after fleeing a brutal husband, journeys to Peru to demand her inheritance. On her return, she makes her name as a popular writer and a champion of the downtrodden, setting herself the arduous task of touring the French countryside to recruit members for her Workers' Union. Paul, a struggling painter and stubborn visionary, abandons his wife and five children for life in the South Seas. Although he has his pick of teenage lovers and paints some of his greatest works, Paul's dreams of paradise are poisoned by syphilis, the stifling forces of French colonialism, and a chronic lack of funds.
  • Publisher FSG
  • ISBN13 9780374228033
  • ISBN10 0374228035
  • Type Book
  • Pages 373
  • Published 2003
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Cloth

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